Free Websites

Bidopia now provides 100% free websites for all Auction Flex customers!

Auction Sign

  • Your domain
  • Auction calendar
  • Custom pages
  • Email list sign-up
  • Simple, easy, and free
  • Feeds to other sites (auctionzip, auctionguy, and more)


We want to be your one-stop destination for all your business needs.

How Does it Work? 

  1. Register your new domain or use your existing one
  2. Set the DNS (we'll give you instructions for this part)
  3. Voila, free website hosting. 

Is it Really Free?

Absolutely. The only requirement is that you are an Auction Flex customer. Our solution will provide your complete auction calendar even if you don't do online bidding or even if you use another online bidding provider!

What About Subdomains Instead?

If you're happy with your website and current hosting by all means keep using it. We can, however, offer to host a subdomain of your website. Let's say your current website is at, we can setup for your account. The benefit is that your domain will receive the SEO!


Bid Assurance.